Note: the date for this event has passed. Please contact the event organizator or if you have any questions.

Science pop up expo

  • 13 November, 00:00

Are you curious about what research PhD students or researchers do at Linköping University?

Come and visit Creactive during SCIENCE POP UP EXPO. Here you will have the change to mingle around and learn more about the research and meet the people behind it.
At SCIENCE POP UP EXPO PhD students and researchers will exhibit with a templated sheet. At this sheet you will find information about their topic of research, their projects and where they would like to collaborate with companies.
Take this chance to meet a new employee, find a research project that you could be part of and expand your network.
For those who register in advance their will be a small lunch.

Subjects to expect

What topics to the researcher cover? Here is a list of what the researchers themselves have stated that they are researching and what they offer for competencies.
  • Autonomous Vehicles – MPC and control of Autonomous Vehicles – Looking for: Robotic and Autonomous cars
  • Visual management: tools, frameworks and skills for visual literacy
  • Electronics – Battery, supercapacitor, Energy companies, desalination companies
  • Temporal Data Analysis and Visualisation – 3D visualization and computer graphics, User interaction, Machine learning – Clustering, Classification, Dimensionality reduction, Neural networks and production level software development. Published papers in high impact factor journals such as IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, ACM.
    Looking for opportunities in visualization, machine learning, big data
  • Organic Electronics, energy sector – Hydrogen Sensor and storage, microelectronics
  • Graphene based nanocomposite for electronic & photocatalysis applications – R&D in new functional materials for different application, design & fabrication of electric devices
  • Performance Analysis and Optimization of Wireless Networks
  • Material Science, Plasmonics, Pyroelectrics, Thermoelectrics, Organic Materials, Sensors
  • Safety study of in-vehicle time sensitive networking – Robust design of time sensitive networking; Reliability analysis; Scheduling and routing; Formal synthesis; Heuristics to improve scalability; ASIL decomposition; ISO26262
  • Secure and Robost Cyber-Physical Systems
  • Maskinkonstruktion – Designing feelings into products
  • Material scientist working on organic electronics – I work on organic/molecular electronics, specifically on ferroelectrics
  • Machine Learning and statistics – I do research in Bayesian statistics and machine learning, developing algorithms that allow making inferences from big and complex datasets, using flexible probabilistic models.
  • Robots in everyday interaction – I am looking for opportunities to analyze robotic systems that collaborate with humans.
  • The New Era of Strategy – How to shape a market
  • Thin films (Hard coatings) – PVD deposition (DCMS & HiPIMS), Ion beam analysis (ERDA&RBS), XPS, microscopy, mechanical-property characterization, material science.
  • Design Automation for Additive Manufacturing
  • Materials Science (Thin Film Physics) – Synthesis and characterization of nitride nanomaterials and thin films
  • Open innovation: Small & large firms’ collaboration
  • Machine Design Division – Design an augmented interactive agent to support sustainable food consumption and reduce household food waste
  • SiC_MISFET transistors for chemical gas sensors application – Improving and developing gas sensor at high temperature deposition (PVD) and characterization of thin films with high crystal quality
  • Omnivorous engineer with a sense for visualization – Rapid prototyping in thin film electronics. Main focus is reducing research throughput time for organic electronics devices mainly manufactured in cleanroom environments, by applying rapid prototyping tools and mindset to thin film electronic devices.