Din sökning gav tyvärr inga träffar
SÄKRA is an advice agency within areas such as pension planning, personal- and indemnity insurance, as well as capital investment.
Teknikringen 10, 58330 Linköping
Linköpings skönaste grönaste lounge & restaurant. Öppet alla dagar 11-15.
Lunch serveras dagligen kl 11-14 och lagas alltid från grunden i vårt eget kök. En plats att mötas, umgås, berätta och lyssna. Låt samtalet blomma i vår lounge! Vi erbjuder lunch, lounge, catering, konferens och festvåning.
Universitetsvägen 8, 583 30 Linköping
Paragera grundades 2007 av Mats Klippinger och Mikael Sundh som handelsbolag och blev AB 2009. Namnet kommer av ”Parera” och ”Agera” – ord som beskriver saker som chefer och ledare ofta får ägna sig åt. Under 2019 bestämde sig Mikael för att växla ned sitt engagemang och hans andel i företaget togs då över av sex andra medarbetare.
Vi vill skapa affärsnytta och hjälpa våra kunder till ökad lönsamhet. Ofta går vägen till detta genom ökad genomförandekraft. Och det är där vi kommer in – vi jobbar varje dag med att skapa förutsättningar för våra kunder att bli än mer lönsamma. Det kan handla om att tillhandahålla stöd till företag i form av våra HR-utvecklare med gedigen HR-kompetens, att hjälpa till att hitta rätt kompetens vid en rekrytering, genom ledarutveckling och utvecklingsinsatser för medarbetare eller att driva förändringsprojekt av olika slag.
Ett sunt och tryggt ledarskap skapar inte bara en effektiv och harmoniskt organisation, det är även ett effektivt konkurrensmedel. Det är ett sätt att differentiera sig, som inte kan kopieras av konkurrenter utan vidare. Och det är just dit alla våra insatser ska leda – till högre prestation, större effektivitet och fler nöjda medarbetare hos våra kunder.
Repslagaregatan 19, 582 22 Linköping
Teknikringen 10, Linköping
Maxitech är en entreprenörsdriven och medarbetarägd konsultgrupp med korta beslutsvägar. Vi erbjuder branschens skarpaste kompetens och IT/Tech-tjänster av högsta kvalitet.
Vi vill göra arbetsmarknaden ännu bättre för duktiga och ödmjuka personer inom IT/Tech och på så vis möjliggöra för fler verksamheter att ta del av rätt person med rätt kompetens
Teknikringen 10, Linköping
Cordinator Företagshälsa erbjuder anpassad företagshälsovård åt företag i hela Östergötland. Vår ordinarie mottagning i Linköping finns nära Mjärdevi på Brigadgatan 26 (Garnisonsområdet) men är man tillräckligt många kan vi även utföra vissa hälsoundersökningar/provtagningar på plats hos företagen i Mjärdevi . Vi har även tagit fram en anpassad hälsoundersökning med fokus på tjänsteföretag som passar de flesta företagen i Mjärdevi.
Det är idag väldigt vanligt att erbjuda sina anställda företagshälsa och anpassade hälsoundersökningar/livsstilsanalyser som en del i sitt systematiska arbetsmiljöarbete. Då vi på Cordinator Medical Service även arbetar med försäkringsbolagen erbjuder vi också bra tjänster till de företag som har sjukvårdsförsäkringar till sina anställda. Kontakta oss gärna så berättar vi mer om vårt tjänsteutbud till företagen i Linköping Science Park. Ni kan läsa mer om oss och våra tjänster på www.cordinator.se.
Funktionellt gym med fokus på coachade effektiva gruppträningspass, open gym, PT och massage i en härlig modern familjär miljö.
teknikringen 8D, 58330 Linköping
Qualcomm is enabling a world where everyone and everything can be intelligently connected. Our one technology roadmap allows us to efficiently scale the technologies that launched the mobile revolution – including advanced connectivity, high-performance, low-power compute, on-device intelligence and more – to the next generation of connected smart devices across industries. Innovations from Qualcomm and our family of Snapdragon platforms will help enable cloud-edge convergence, transform industries, accelerate the digital economy, and revolutionize how we experience the world, for the greater good.
The tech center in Linköping is part of Business Unit Automotive within Qualcomm.
Datalinjen 3C, 583 30 Linköping
TaxiCaller offers a truly innovative and cost-effective mobility as a service platform that has transformed the transport industry the world over.
Since 2011, we have provided indispensable software to thousands of taxi, limo, private hire and car service companies. We’ve become the specialist in cloud-based dispatching, with a global presence in over 70 countries in all continents.
Do you want to join us on our journey? Please, see our open positions on our website or send us an open application because we are always looking for talented people.
Diskettgatan 11A, 583 35 Linköping
Teknikringen 10, Linköping
Teknikringen 10, Linköping
For more than 30 years, Vector has been your capable partner in the development of automotive electronics. More than 3,000 employees at 31 locations worldwide support manufacturers and suppliers of the automotive industry and related industries with a professional platform of tools, software components and services for developing embedded systems.
Driven by our passion for technology we develop solutions which relieve engineers of their demanding tasks. Not only do our employees work on tomorrow’s electronic technologies every single day. We also engage variously in education, research and social responsibility.
Teknikringen 9, 583 30 Linköping
Adding new dimensions
We enable a smarter and safer world by creating network solutions to improve security and to find new ways of doing business. The world is changing fast, and we make sure we stay ahead of those changes. We operate in the IT and security industries and have extended into the audio, voice over IP and building automation markets.
For a smarter, safer world
Our experience working with network video and audio solutions, analytics and access control contributes to the protection of people and property, process optimization, and increases business efficiency and information access.
Ebbegatan 7, 582 13 Linköping
Drakryggen is a consultancy firm providing high-end experts in SW development and project effectiveness to leading companies.
Teknikringen 1E, Linköping
At Berotec we collect real experts within development in Technology, Management and IT. We are all a part of the gig-economy and our skilled consultants run their own companies – the gig way. That gives us balance and gives the clients dedicated help and sustainable solutions. Berotec is owned by its consultants and now houses more than 230 experts, with offices in Linköping, Stockholm, Göteborg, Västerås, Uppsala and Örebro.
Teknikringen 9, Linköping
advokat24 is a new modern law firm that provides qualified business advice to Swedish and foreign companies, on domestic and cross-border issues
Diskettgatan 2, 583 35 Linköping
Teknikringen 8D, 583 30 Linköping
I över 30 år har Clevry legat i framkant för ett mer soft skills-drivet arbetsliv inom talent acquisition, assessment och advisory. Vi finns globalt med kunder, konsulter och kandidater från Nordamerika till Singapore med huvudkontor i Brighton, Stockholm och Helsingfors. Våra 150 soft skills-certifierade rekryterare, affärspsykologer och experter finns alltid till er tjänst.
Teknikringen 1D, 583 30 Linköping
Teknikringen 8D, 583 30 Linköping
Teknikringen 10 Linköping, 583 30 Linköping
Teknikringen 10 Linköping, 583 30 Linköping
Teknikringen 10 Linköping, 583 30 Linköping
Teknikringen 10, 583 30 Linköping
ACTIA Nordic AB develop state of the art connectivity platforms used by OEMs in several different market areas. We offer a secure, flexible and powerful solution for customer application development, including worldwide connectivity and device management. Our connectivity platforms provide essential functions out of the box, as well as enabling endless possibilities in application development.
For more information please visit: www.actia.se
Teknikringen 10 Linköping, 583 30 Linköping
Teknikringen 9, 583 30 Linköping
Teknikringen 10 Linköping, 583 30 Linköping
Teknikringen 10 Linköping, 583 30 Linköping
Teknikringen 10, 583 30 Linköping
Teknikringen 9, 583 30 Linköping
Teknikringen 1, 583 30 Linköping
Castra is a consulting company that offers senior consultants in Business Development and IT. Our consultants are experts in strategic planning, leading and implementing IT development in support of operations.
Teknikringen 9, 583 30 Linköping
Teknikringen 9, 583 30 Linköping
Teknikringen 9, 583 30 Linköping
Teknikringen 1, 583 30 Linköping
Metria is a company with 300 employees who specialize in geographic information.
We understand that having local knowledge plays a crucial role when working with geographic data. With offices and employees all across the country, we are in a strategic position to meet the professional needs of our clients, no matter where they are located. By refining, visualizing, and packaging the data that is most important to customers, we help them make decisions that allow their business to become more efficient and sustainable. This is our way of contributing to a more sustainable society.
Teknikringen 9, 583 30 Linköping
Technogarden är en kompetens- och rekryteringspartner för verksamheter med tillväxt inom Industry, IT, Life Science och Telecom. Genom vår mix av rådgivning, tekniska konsulter och rekryteringstjänster hjälper vi teknikoffensiva företag säkerställa rätt kompetens för rätt behov på lång och kort sikt
Teknikringen 10 Linköping, 583 30
We combine tech, usability and design in new ways – from creative concepts to production systems and digital information solutions. Always with an end-user focus. Because the user experience is the true evidence of quality, and therefore crucial for every product and organization.
Teknikringen 7, 58030 Linköping
Datalinjen 3, 58330 Linköping
At OnePartnerGroup we have the best local expertise in both the professional and civil servants sector of recruitment and staffing. We are your most local partner.
Teknikringen 9, 583 30 Linköping
Getonnet är en webbyrå som erbjuder digital marknadsföring och webbutveckling.
Teknikringen 9, Linköping
Diskettgatan 4, 583 35 Linköping, Sverige
En bra plats för att bedriva sin verksamhet har alltid varit en förutsättning för de flesta bolag. Coliverate startades 2018 utifrån perspektivet av vad man själv skulle uppskatta om man övervägde en ny kontorslokal. Ungefär såhär gick de kritiska tankarna och kravställningarna när vi skapade konceptet:
”Vad skulle jag vilja ha i mitt super-office? Jag skulle lätt säga att det ska vara en snygg byggnad, gärna billigt att hyra såklart och nya möbler ska ingå för mig. Jag vill inte vara bunden i långa avtal, 3 mån räcker fint. Vore läckert om det fanns en virtuell receptionist som kan ta emot mina gäster och meddela mig. Det där med 24/7 ska funka – ge mig en tagg bara. Taggen får dessutom gärna lösa både konferensrumsbokning och säkra gdpr-utskrifter med ett enkelt ”blipp”. Jag är ganska hurtig så går det att duscha och byta om på jobbet så är det ett plus. Jag vill ha gott kaffe, gärna inkl lite livsfilosofi med andra duktiga företag – typ vid ett cafétorg. En printer/scanner behövs – pls provide. Min livskvalitet är beroende av ett superstabilt WiFi, så highlighta gärna denna. En personlig telefonist gör såklart att jag bli än mer proffsig och missar aldrig ett viktigt ärende eller kanske en affär. Astråkigt att städa – det får gärna ingå. Prunkande växter runt mig gör att jag får till en skön kreativ känsla. Jo, en störtskön terrass där solstrålarna når min näsa är också tacksamt.”
Vi hoppas att denna kundtillvända approach gör att våra hyresgäster mår bättre än snittet och kanske t.o.m. kan hjälpa varandra i stort och smått.
ReQuTech AB was founded in 2009 by engineers from Sony Ericsson. Our office is situated within Mjärdevi Science Park in Linköping, Sweden. Mjärdevi hosts more than 260 high-tech companies with in total over 6000 employees.
ACTIA EMS Sweden AB is a manufacturer of electronics based in Linköping, Sweden, offering low to mid volume manufacturing of electronics with high quality and full flexibility in focus. We have a long experience of helping our customers, all the way from design (DFM) and material sourcing, to sample- and series production.
For more information please visit: www.actia.se
Datalinjen 2, 583 30 Linköping
S:T Larsgatan 15, 58224 Linköping
Svartmåla 51, 59045 Brokind
Newton Nordic utvecklar och erbjuder specialiserade produkt- och supportlösningar för stabilisering och fjärrstyrning av rörliga kameror inom TV- och filmindustri. NEWTON-systemet används för att livesända prestigeproduktioner världen över, inom sport, musik, underhållning och evenemang. Upplev NEWTON-systemet på www.newtonnordic.com
Lokstallsgatan 8, 58273 Linköping
Repslagaregatan 19, 58222 Linköping
Roxtorpsgatan 16 B, 58273 Linköping
Gjuterigatan 1D, 58273 Linköping
Kungsgatan 28, 58218 Linköping
Repslagaregatan 25, 582 23 Linköping
Stora Torget 1, 582 19 Linköping
Configura creates software solutions that help businesses and people around the globe design spaces and sell configurable products in the commercial interiors, material handling and kitchen and bath industries. Our developers are at the heart of Configura’s innovation and make an impact on the future of our products.
Interested in learning more? Visit us at: www.configura.com
Storgatan 13, 58223 Linköping
Sätt dig till bords i vår ombonade restaurang eller slå dig ner i en mjuk fåtölj framför tv:n och njut av den goda maten. Om du bara är törstig finns öl, vin och andra läskande drycker i vår bar.
Välj mellan grillat, soppor, pasta och smörgåsar. Eller smaka våra populära klassiker som hamburgare och Caesarsallad. Är du sugen på husmanskost frågar du servitören om Dagens panna. Barnen har självklart en egen meny och ett lekrum att roa sig i.
Känn den lekfulla retrokänslan från vår historia som väghotell, samtidigt som du kan slappna av i ett modernt vardagsrum. Oavsett om du är på resande fot, bor i närheten eller bara vill ha ett avslappnat affärsmöte – välkommen hem!
Vår restaurang och bar är kontantfria. Vi tar emot de flesta kort, bland annat VISA, MasterCard och American Express. Vi tar emot kontantbetalningar i hotellreceptionen.
Mårdtorpsgatan 4, 58432 Linköping
Svarvargatan 8, 59535 Mjölby
SweGaN is a Swedish manufacturer of custom-made epitaxial wafers with revolutionary technology. We aim at becoming the world leading supplier of group III-nitride materials. We believe that our materials’ ground-breaking performance will allow you to meet the challenges of next generation’s high power and high frequency devices.
Teknikringen 7, 58330 Linköping
LunaMicro develops and commercializes technology for electrokinetic devices in collaboration with companies and universities to enable breakthrough technologies.
Teknikringen 7, 58330 Linköping
Med ett användarvänligt projekthanteringssystem skapar MyGizmo en mer effektiv och lönsam vardag för bolag inom hantverksbranschen
Teknikringen 7, 58330 Linköping
Worldish is a start-up from Linköping University. We were founded in 2015 with the vision of breaking the walls that separate people and dreaming about a World that is equal for all. We believe in solving real world challenges with technology and adding more value to mankind. We at Worldish focus on pushing the horizons of present day scenarios to future possibilities and designing solutions that could stretch the limitations created by status quo. We focus on making solutions together with our customers through long term relations.
Teknikringen 7, 58330 Linköping
Do you know the feeling of reaching into your pocket and discover your phone or wallet missing? The panic, the fear, the frustration… it sucks, we know! Like many of you, we were once victims of pickpockets.
Our phones were stolen in a crowded place in Gothenburg, and after tracking the pickpockets down with GPS and arriving with two police cars, we couldn’t do anything. The police had no power once they went into their apartment. We found only Bluetooth and GPS solutions on the market, and they proved to be almost useless. We rose from the frustration and despair and decided to make a product that truly protects our valuables from pickpockets, before they’re even stolen.
That’s when C-Safe™ Pocket Lock was born, and now we want to share this with the world.
Teknikringen 7, 58330 Linköping
At RMBLStrip, we believe that regardless of our size, we can challenge the way value is created in the heavy truck industry. Our patented technology enables roof deflectors to self-adjust, saving up to 3% in fuel costs. The solution rely on advanced algorithms for big data analytics to understand how the air flow passes the truck. We make use this information to control the deflector to its optimal position.
Teknrikringen 7, 58330 Linköping
Epishine is an enabler of the most scalable, resource efficient and affordable solar module in the world.
Teknikringen 7, 58330 Linköping
There aren’t many companies with the knowledge to develop a semantic AI from scratch, but we do. Our services are purposely built to utilize the latest research in data mining, natural language processing, and AI. With complete knowledge and control of our technology, iMatrics can offer a solution truly tailored to our customers’ needs.
iMatrics’ natural language technology automatically classifies categories, subjects, organizations, people, and places in news content, which enables fast and actionable insights for our customers.
Teknikringen 7, 58330 Linköping
We are deep inot DevOps and experts in surveillance, monitoring, continuous delivery and continuos improvement.
DevOps is the field where we spend every day improving our customers digitalization processes and the way the users experience your services.
Our main focus is how to release software into production and keep an eye on those changes through surveillance based on a user centric philosofy.
Duodji makes sure we live up to our name and we surround ourselves with the best partners and resources there is. This assures that we always can help out in the best of ways.
Teknikringen 8, 58330 Linköping
SYNCORE TECHNOLOGIES AB är ett svenskt teknikutvecklingsbolag som stärker våra kunder genom engagerat samarbete kring utvecklandet av inbyggda system för framtidens produkter. Vi arbetar inhouse i team och våra utvecklingsingenjörer representerar unik kompetensbredd och erfarenhet från krävande utvecklingsprojekt. Vår vision är att bli den ledande svenska teknikutvecklingsmotorn – med världen som spelplan.
Vårt syfte är att bidra till hållbar tillväxt och en tryggare värld.
Teknikringen 2, 583 30 Linköping
Libra Euro-Asia is mainly active in northern Europe and Asia within six business areas: Tools, Product Parts, Fasteners & Fittings, Wood Products, Packaging Material and Consulting Service.
Teknikringen 8D, 58330 Linköping
Synective was founded back in 2003 around a group of experts on using FPGAs for high performance computations, with the mission to bring acceleration technology out to customers around the world. Synective also started early using GPU technology for generic computations, long before CUDA and OpenCL was introduced and enabled this technology to a broader audience.
Teknikringen 1F, 58330 Linköping
Bergenstråhle & Partners help innovative companies to protect and increase the value of their intellectual capital assets.
Teknikringen 9, 58330 Linköping
For more than three decades, CEI-Europe has developed, organized and held short technology courses all over Europe.
NXT Learning is owned by the company Continuing Education Institute and is a new offering on the Swedish market to solve companies’ training needs. We produce customised digital courses.
Teknikringen 1F, 58330 Linköping
Teknikringen 10, 58330 Linköping
Storbildsfabriken is an overall supplier of overhead communications.
Teknikringen 10, 58330 Linköping
Stylaero delivers hardware and software to allow user interaction in room scale environment.
Teknikringen 10, 58330 Linköping
Xamera is an established career focused Company with operations in both Östergötland and Närke. Due to their consultancy network Young Xperts, Xamera contributes to the regions’ technical competence.
Teknikringen 10, 58330 Linköping
Prodelox is a product development agency that brings ideas to life and shapes tomorrow’s products. They quickly turn ideas into products that will reach the market. Prodelox helps companies from any sphere – from global names like ELFA and Elekta, to start-ups like Edeva and XM Reality – to develop new innovations and improve existing products.
Teknikringen 9, 58330 Linköping
House of Test consulting is not your common staffing company or resource provider. Their consulting focuses on contributing as much on a strategic level as on the project deliverables. House of Test can offer a complete range of testing services, but they always make sure that their customers feel that working with House of Test means value both for the current project, and for future ones.
Teknikringen 10, 58330 Linköping
Vissheim are focusing on product innovations within smart urban farming, where they combine Internet of Things technology with exclusive Scandinavian furniture design. They have developed hardware and software for automation of watering and lighting for a range of different herbs and vegetables, and cloud-based monitoring. The technology is scalable and can be applied in everything from smaller pots to larger greenhouses.
Stora Torget 3, 582 19 Linköping
Sankt Kors is a company concerned with promoting development and growth in Linköping. This is primarily done by maintaining creative cusiness enviornments for new companies as well as for companies facing changes.
Teknikringen 10, 58330 Linköping
Teknikringen 10, 58330 Linköping
Ionautics was started in 2010 by Prof. Ulf Helmersson, Prof. Nils Brenning, Dr. Daniel Lundin, and Mr. Johan Ahlström with the vision to provide the market with thin films and coating development from the very forefront of thin film technology.
Teknikringen 9, 58330 Linköping
Ezy is a technology provider specialized in airline IT & Web solutions.
Teknikringen 9, 58330 Linköping
The Vodvision team has an unparalleled background in the pay-TV industry.
Teknikringen 7, 58330 Linköping
OMT provides engineering, project management and consulting services to their clients, along with a strong personal commitment, to exceed their clients’ needs and desires.
Teknikringen 10, 58330 Linköping
Co-working space in Mjärdevi Center suitable for any Company – from startups to globally established companies!
Teknikringen 10, 58330 Linköping
Qamcom Research & Technology is a product development and specialist service provider in the areas of signal processing, communication systems, radar systems, automotive systems and functional safety.
Teknikringen 8D,
Teknikringen 8D,
Teknikringen 8D,
Syntronic is a leading design house specializing in advanced product and systems development, production and aftermarket services.
Our offer covers the entire life cycle of a product or system from the concept stage to a finished product including life cycle support during its entire lifetime.
Among our customers and partners are some of the world´s most technology intensive businesses and organizations in sectors such as telecom, industrial, medtech and automotive.
In the designing process to satisfy customers’ needs, we focus on quality, competence and ease of production.
Teknikringen 9, 583 30 Linköping
Visage Technologies AB was founded in Linköping, Sweden in 2002. The founders of Visage Technologies are computer scientists, and were among the main contributors to the MPEG-4 Face and Body Animation International Standard.
Diskettgatan 11A, 58335 Linköping
Teknisk Systemteknik is in charge of developing and selling advanced products, solutions and services primarily in the field of infrared technology.
Diskettgatan 11B, 58335 Linköping
Diskettgatan 11B, 58335 Linköping
Foran Sverige AB provides the forestry as well as nature- and environmental institutions and administrative authorities with a wide selection of services related to the forest and land. Foran’s soloutions are based on technology for collection, analysis, and presentation of forest- and nature data.
Diskettgatan 11A, 58335 Linköping
Diskettgatan 11, 58335 Linköping
XMReality is the market leader in Remote Guidance, revolutionizing knowledge sharing through Augmented Reality.
Teknikringen 10, 58330 Linköping
Axentia creates and develops cutting edge Display Systems for the public transport sector as well as cost-effective Alarm Systems for rescue organisations. With over 15 years of experience and a dedicated staff, Axentia has become a major player in these business areas.
Universitetsvägen 14, 58330 Linköping
Cambio Healthcare Systems is a company that delivers products and services to the e-healthcare market.
Universitetsvägen 14, 58330 Linköping
Paneda is active in the area of Digital Radio (DAB+), with its main focus on applications for safety systems in tunnels and buildings.
Universitetsvägen 14, 58330 Linköping
Diskettgatan 11, 58335 Linköping
Apertum IT AB is a consultancy company that focuses on development of Air Quality Management Systems (AQMS) and works in Air Quality Management projects.
Teknikringen 7, 58330 Linköping
BGM operates and provides a wide selection of services within four areas of business: Water, Geo, Construction, and Environment.
Teknikringen 9, 58330 Linköping
GOLI works together with their clients in order to increase the accessability of health care as well as the profitability in the private sector.
Teknikringen 1F, 58330 Linköping
RISE SICS is a leading research institute for applied information and communication technology in Sweden, founded in 1985.
Teknikringen 7, 58330 Linköping
SkyMaker AB develops software for online visual configuration and CAD automation to help make the manufacturing industry more flexible.
S:t Larsgatan 9D, 582 24 Linköping
LIME is a strategy consulting firm focusing on logistics, market strategy, and work of change.
Teknikringen 7, 58330 Linköping
Teknikringen 7, 58330 Linköping
MIMSI Materials design and produce high performance thin film and coating materials for industrial clients in different verticals.
Teknikringen 7, 58330 Linköping
Our Greenery sells greenhouse kits, seeds, and agar, for microgreen harvesting.
Teknikringen 7, 58330 Linköping
InviSense delivers a complete solution to wirelessly determine the relative humidity in buildings, such as Inside the sealant, behind different types of building panels and undercoat.
Teknikringen 7, 58330 Linköping
Linköping Lightnings is a cheerleading organization for kids and youths.
Teknikringen 7, 58330 Linköping
Fodina works with term- and language-related projects, using the power of computers.
Teknikringen 7, 58330 Linköping
Teknikringen 7, 58330 Linköping
Datalinjen 1, 58330 Linköping
Teknikringen 7, 58330 Linköping
Brace it LLC creates truly original and useful products for the wearable space, such as ReVault – the world’s first wearable private cloud.
Teknikringen 7, 58330 Linköping
Coppermist AB redefines the relationship consumers have with internet content. The company is currently in the process of running pilots, after which they will tell more about their approach.
Teknikringen 7, 58330 Linköping
Ateles is one of the leading independent digital consulting companies – based on market-leading standard platforms, we deliver innovative and user-friendly solutions to our customers. Since 2001, we have developed solutions to customers in both the B2C and B2B segments.The way we work with eCommerce is simple – it starts and ends with a best-in-class experience strategy that builds brands and drives transactions. Today, we are 70 digital experts based in Stockholm, Linköping and Oslo. We are big thinkers with a passion for the latest technology in eCommerce.
Teknikringen 6, 58330 Linköping
Agricam is a software company specializing in image processing. Agricam develops services for the modern farmer.
Teknikringen 8D, 58330 Linköping
Axians is an international brand specializing in ICT – Information and Communication Technology.
Teknikringen 4c, 583 30 Linköping
Teledyne SP Devices designs, develops, and manufactures world-leading modular data acquisition and signal generation instruments. As a part of the Teledyne family with over 15 500 employees worldwide, we have access to some of the industry’s most knowledgeable experts, research and development capabilities, and manufacturing facilities worldwide.
Teknikringen 8D, 58330 Linköping
Teknikringen 5, 58330 Linköping
Advanced Computer Technology AB is a consultancy agency with a focus on IT management.
Stationsgatan 16, 582 42 Linköping
Teknikringen 4A, 58330 Linköping
Teknikringen 4A, 58330 Linköping
UCS One Business is a full-scale consulting company with services for both large and small companies. We take care of the core of our customers’ companies, so that they can focus on developing their business. An obvious partner for success, with smart comprehensive solutions for the company’s important core – accounting, payroll, HR and business systems.
Teknikringen 4A, 58330 Linköping
Dataton was founded in 1973 and their philosophy has remained constant over all the years: Dataton aims to enrich the visitor experience by providing outstanding audiovisual products. Research and development facilities are located in Linköping, Sweden, and Dataton has worldwide representation through an established partner network. You’ll find Dataton products in commercial and cultural installations in every part of the world.
Teknikringen 22, 58330 Linköping
Syntrans help companies develop and expand by providing capital in the shape of financing, knowledge, as well as many years of experience in the field.
Teknikringen 4B, 58330 Linköping
ATRON has been one of the leading suppliers of soloutions to public transport issues for the last 30 years. ATRON’s focus is on making public transport more cost effective and passenger friendly.
Teknikringen 4, 58330 Linköping
Teknikringen 10, 58330 Linköping
Rentema in Linköping maintains a readiness in service and good accessability for their customers through their flexability, sensativity, and responsibility. Rentema offers services in property maintenance, construction, and treatment of floors.
Teknikringen 10, 58330 Linköping
Teknikringen 20, 58330 Linköping
Teknikringen 10, 58330 Linköping
NXITY Group with its origin in Scandinavia is a trusted partner and provider of innovative ICT Consulting, IT Solutions, Energy Management, and Creative Services. They contribute to the success of their international and regional clients as well as to their own success by always delivering beyond expectations. Through teamwork NXITY nurtures an organization that customers recommend, employees are proud of and where no business challenge is too big, and no customer request too small.
Teknikringen 10, 58330 Linköping
AlexIT AB is an innovative company based on reserach conducted at Linköping University. The company’s mission is to develop and promote health benefiting e-services and solutions to clients for both private and public use..
Teknikringen 10, 58330 Linköping
Bendtsen & Johansson has the intention to provide educational services to private individuals.
Teknikringen 10, 58330 Linköping
Teknikringen 10, 58330 Linköping
Teknikringen 1F, 58330 Linköping
Teknikringen 1F, 58330 Linköping
inStudy’s mission is to facilitate and provide access to lifelong learning. Through a digital learning environment, there are new opportunities for learning through easy access to study materials and functions to support your learning.
Teknikringen 1F, 58330 Linköping
Glycobond develops and produces proprietary carbohydrate-binding reagents for use in diagnostics.
Teknikringen 1F, 58330 Linköping
Mindroad develops software systems and competence to market leading companies in order to improve their competitive strength even further.
Teknikringen 1F, 58330 Linköping
Mobipro is a company that provides professional services and products within the fields of information technology and mobile data communication. Mobipro helps customers by adding mobility to their systems and applications. Their strongest line of business is professional services, working in competence areas such as Internet technologies, Mobility, Object Oriented software development, and project management. They are also able to deliver complete software solutions and components.
Teknikringen 1F, 58330 Linköping
Multical AB performs traceable calibration of measuring instruments for most greatness within electricity and tele.
Teknikringen 1F, 58330 Linköping
EF Valves offers a wide selection of both products and services concerning ventilations.
Teknikringen 1F, 58330 Linköping
Teknikringen 1F, 58330 Linköping
KOMPETENTA is a modern psychology practice and consultancy bureau with its reception in Mjärdevi Science Park in Linköping. The consultancy business is widespread and active across the entire region of Östergötland.
Teknikringen 10, 58330 Linköping
Teknikringen 1F, 58330 Linköping
Wolfram MathCore develops and supplies products and services that help professionals to understand and improve their products.
Teknikringen 1E, 58330 Linköping
DigRAD specializes in business systems and business development. The experiences of helping companies structure their work and organization have generated many useful tools that can be used to streamline and improve work flows, management of storage, invoicing et cetera.
Teknikringen 1E, 58330 Linköping
ONEservice offers cleaning, construction, and renovation services, to the individual as well as companies.
Teknikringen 1D, 58330 Linköping
Linkura was established in 2013 and is based on many years of research at Linköping University. Today, Linkura is one of the leading actors of behavioral change processing using objective measurements.
Teknikringen 1D, 58330 Linköping
The company was established in 1982 and has worked with various problems concerning radon emission ever since. They have participated in different research projects testing facilities/adjustment installments as well as it is a consultive body in issues concerning radon.
Teknikringen 1D, 58330 Linköping
Teknikringen 1D, 58330 Linköping
LemonLime is a company focusing on the Internet and other web based services. The business idea is to create and develop Internet solutions for small- and medium-sized companies. LemonLime has been active since the year 2000 and has substantial knowledge within the area of web techniques. .
Teknikringen 1D, 58330 Linköping
Nescit is a professional partner for Multilingual Communications and Transcreation. The company has experience of all existing roles of the process – as translators, copywriters, marketeers, designers, localization engineers and software developers. Nescit will give you broad-based support for your communications needs through a one-stop approach, encompassing processes, professionals and smart technology.
Teknikringen 1D, 58330 Linköping
Teknikringen 1C, 58330 Linköping
Licera helps their customers to get the most out of their business, by delivering products and knowledge in the area of machine-to-machine (M2M) communication. They work in close cooperation with their customers to provide them with wireless solutions that perfectly fit their needs. The technology is based on the well established cellular standard, GSM, which makes the products well suited for organisations with markets world wide.
Teknikringen 1C, 58330 Linköping
NNL is a company that provides customized software solutions and consultant services within Information Technology (IT).
Teknikringen 1C, 58330 Linköping
Teknikringen 1D, 58330 Linköping
Witi Tech focuses on the development of innovative web services. We look into everyday or practical problems and develop unique solutions for them. Despite our yet tiny size, we have access to extensive expertise in the development and leadership. We have access to the technology and operational platforms needed for the project and a well developed network of partners.
Teknikringen 1A, 58330 Linköping
We are a small Swedish tech company divided into two offices located in southern Sweden. Our mission is to design and develop high-quality hardware and software products, and provide our customers with efficient headend solutions.
Teknikringen 1B, 58330 Linköping
Delivers system of identification to large and medium-sized companies within the Scandinavian production industry.
Teknikringen 1C, 58330 Linköping
Teknikringen 1, 58330 Linköping
Cognicatus mission is to be a provider of premium expertise, design services and advanced silicon IPs for integration in products with human-friendly behavior and interfaces. In our target applications human cognition plays an important role.
Teknikringen 1A, 58330 Linköping
Fenix Security sells and inställs professional security systems according to their philosophy and values. This results in more secure solutions that live up to your wishes and budget.
Teknikringen 1A, 58330 Linköping
Sematic was established by three engineers from Linköping University. They all have years of experience within software development and advanced mathematic algorithms that are used to solve large scale optimization problems. Scheduling is a classic example of that type of problem.
Teknikringen 1A, 58330 Linköping
We are Wematter; a producer of 3D-printers with ambitions to place a 3D-printer in every office with the same abrasion resistance as any other massproduced product of today.
Södra Oskarsgatan 4, 582 73 Linköping
Avionetics specializes in providing avionics and services to aircraft operators. Our team has a long history and broad experience in aerospace technology, including flight testing, avionics, electrical systems, special mission aircraft, warning systems, environmental qualification and certification.
Teknikringen 1E, 58330 Linköping
XperDi AB är ett bolag som, via forskning på Linköpings Universitet, utvecklat en produktkonfigurator för att eliminera ställtid i produktion för kundanpassade produkter. Vår produktkonfigurator kan kopplas till alla CAD-verktyg på marknaden. Konfiguratorn kan generera 3D-modeller av en kundunik beställning utefter er input. Utifrån dessa modeller genereras all typ av produktionsberedning automatiskt, som tex 2D-ritningar och maskinkod. Vi kan också integrera med ert nuvarande affärssystem och läsa in komponentpriser för att t.ex. uppskatta kostnad/pris på den färdiga produkten samt att exempelvis lägga in nya beställningar i systemet vid en kundbeställning.
Teknikringen 10, 58330 Linköping
Wicer Technology is a specialized comapny with leading competence within communication and built-in systems. We help our customers find both solutions and products. The company has two tracks of focus: consultancy and product development.
Datalinjen 1, 58330 Linköping
ELITS is a global provider of IT operations and infrastructure solutions. Since the start in 2006 we have grown in a steady pace, together with our customers. We provide 24/7 service through our locations in Europe, North America and Asia.
Datalinjen 3B, 58330 Linköping
Datalinjen 1, 58330 Linköping
IUC is a national resource meant to increase competitiveness in Swedish industries. With 14 regional companies, we are the actor closest to small- and medium sized industrial companies.
Datalinjen 1, 58330 Linköping
RotoSub develops innovative solutions for noise reduction based on the RotoSub technology.
Applications of the technology range from small cooling fans for consumer electronics to large fans for ventilation and other applications.
Datalinjen 1, 58330 Linköping
VSL helps private companies and public authorities with systematic safety and security management.
Datalinjen 1, 58330 Linköping
Teknikringen 8D,
Korsgatan 2 ,
Teknikringen 8D,
Teknikringen 8D,
Springbreeze manages consulting within various technical areas.
Teknikringen 8D,
Teknikringen 8D, 58355 Linköping
Link 24 was established with a vision to offer economy related services online to both smaller and larger companies. As of today, Link 24 focus almost entirely on digital services with all of their customers.
Teknikringen 10, 58330 Linköping
As a global innovator in IP, video and broadband technology, Commscope continiously works with our customers to transform entertainment and communications to solve the most pressing challenges of 21st century communications.
Teknikringen 10, 58330 Linköping
Interimum offers educational programs as well as consultancy concerning HR-services.
Teknikringen 10, 58330 Linköping
Unitalent is the link between Linköping University students and the commerical and industrial life. Unitalent strengthens businesses and the public sector with talents from the university through customized consulting assignments.
Teknikringen 7, 58330 Linköping
Reach is a consulting business with a specialization in product development. They deliver competence in software, mechanics, electronics- and test validation.
Teknikringen 10, 58330 Linköping
BRP Systems is a creator of an ERP system used by both big and small facilities as well as by municipalities.
Teknikringen 7, 58330 Linköping
One IT Partner consists of a staff of 13 with high-level competence. The company strives to be the best supplier of IT in the region.
Teknikringen 10, 58330 Linköping
JCDecaux, #1 worldwide in outdoor advertising, reaches more than 400 million people on the planet every day.
Teknikringen 10, 58330 Linköping
Jungheinrich AG is one of the world’s biggest suppliers of trucks, stands, as well as warehouse soloutions.
Teknikringen 10, 58330 Linköping
Combine is a consulting company proficient in control systems development, model-based design, data analysis and product development. Since the start in 2002, Combine have provided professional engineering services and solutions, developed on-site or in-house, in addition to specialized or supplemental client personnel training.
Industrigatan 5, 582 77 Linköping
Valea offers their clients comprehensive service in intellectual property rights. The employees include European patent, design and trademark attorneys and lawyers with expertise within the intellectual property rights field. They have extensive experience and expertise in all areas of technology and related legal issues.
Teknikringen 10, 58330 Linköping
Eurotempest specialises in qualified defence- and government customers’ needs of high-assurance IT products and systems.
Algolgatan 10, 583 35 Linköping
Teknikringen 8 (Postadress: Box 14 592 21 Vadstena), 58330 Linköping
Transmera is dedicated to the development of technology industry, and specializes in providing high quality management and consulting services addressing all stages of the technology commercialisation process.
Teknikringen 7, 58330 Linköping
Tiny Tots is a preschool in Mjärdevi.
Teknikringen 18, 58330 Linköping
Teknikringen 7, 58330 Linköping
SysPartner offers a wide selection of services within Consulting, development, and IT-management.
Teknikringen 10, 58330 Linköping
SundaHus provides property owners with safety, both today and in the future, through a wide selection of services for a concious choice of materials.
Teknikringen 10, 58330 Linköping
StyrelseAkademien is the second to largest and fastest growing management institute with close to 7000 members across the country. StyrelseAkademien contributes with a noticable change in management through education, certifications, recruitment, networking, and public opinion forming.
Teknikringen 10, 58330 Linköping
Stonefactory.se is the biggest online store selling tile. The Company has the widest selection of tile and clinker in Sweden as well as free shipping.
Teknikringen 10, 58330 Linköping
Snilleblixtarna tries to encourage kids’ interest for tech, natural sciences, innovations, entrepreneurship all at once as they strive to stimulate their creativity and curiousity.
Spetsa is your partner when you want excellence, or inspiration from researchers or teachers at Linköping University.
Teknikringen 7, 58330 Linköping
Sigma is a group of leading consulting companies with the objective to make their customers more competitive. Sigma’s means are technological know-how and a passion for constantly finding better solutions.
Ågatan 7, 582 22 Linköping
SICK IVP is a world-leading supplier of sensors and sensor solutions for industrial applications founded in 1946 by Dr. E.h. Erwin Sick. We are more than 12 000 employees in 50 countries and our headquarter is located in Freiburg, Germany. SICK in Linköping is an innovation center for Machine Vision, and we are 90 committed employees with a big interest in image processing and visualization. For more than 35 years, our team at SICK Linköping has successfully developed and delivered software for technically leading products within the field of 2D and 3D vision, as well as system solutions, e.g., robot guidance and quality control.
Teknikringen 10 Linköping, 583 30 Linköping
Medical images play a key role in diagnostics and the determination of an appropriate treatment. Sectra develops IT solutions and services for storing, viewing and working with medical images. Cancer diseases and orthopaedic surgery represent some of the most costly and resource-intensive areas in the healthcare sector—areas where the company’s offering facilitates diagnosis, planning and patient monitoring. Cooperation between various departments is also facilitated, resulting in more efficient care. Sectra also helps to raise the quality of medical education by providing solutions for the sharing and integration of medical images. More than 1700 hospitals worldwide use Sectra’s systems daily. This makes Sectra one of the world-leading companies within systems for handling digital images.
Sectra has also a core expertise in encryption technology. Within this business area we provide secure communication solutions, approved by the EU and NATO, for European government authorities, defense departments and other critical functions of society. The secure transfer of information plays a key role in maintaining the stability in many of society’s functions. Sectra develops products and services that protect some of society’s most sensitive information and communications. The offering includes secure voice and data communications, with solutions certified at the national level and by the EU and NATO, as well as security analysis and monitoring of critical IT systems, such as electricity and water supply.
Sectra was founded in 1978 and has its roots in Linköping University in Sweden. Today, Sectra has offices in 15 countries and in addition operates through partners worldwide.
Find all active job openings at Sectras website: www.sectra.com/jobs
Teknikringen 20, 58330 Linköping
Teknikringen 7, 58330 Linköping
Restaurant serving classic Swedish food.
Teknikringen 8C, 58330 Linköping
Optimal Soloutions help customers with complex planning of expensive resources and offer tailor made solutions to customer-specific problems.
Teknikringen 10, 58330 Linköping
Netadmin is a complete fiber BSS/OSS product suite. It helps network owners and
communication operators to increase the operational efficiency.
Wallenbergs gata 4, 58335 Linköping
NIRA Dynamics is concerned with increasing the performance, safety and comfort of modern and future cars.
Wallenbergsgata 4, 58330 Linköping
Naprapath service in Mjärdevi.
Teknikringen 7, 58330 Linköping
Linköping Science Park AB is a municipally-owned company which is committed to offering the best conditions for growth for innovative enterprises and development environments in Linköping through unique collaboration between actors at the local, national and international levels.
Teknikringen 10, 58330 Linköping
MediaTek is a global fabless semiconductor company that enables more than 1.5 billion consumer products a year. We are a market leader in developing tightly-integrated, power-efficient systems-on-chip (SoC) for mobile devices, home entertainment, network and connectivity, automated driving, and IoT.
Teknikringen 10, 58330 Linköping
Millnet’s business idea is to develop and sell products and soloutions that ease and catalyze daily business processes to both companies and organizations within project- and time accountancy, resource planning, project planning, recruitment, and attendance reporting.
Teknikringen 10, 58330 Linköping
Medborgarskolan är ett humanistiskt studieförbund som erbjuder samarbeten med föreningar och företag, föreläsningar och kursverksamhet inom till exempel konst & hantverk, jakt & fiske, sjöliv, jägarskola, språk, ekonomi, skrivande, matlagning med mera. Vår kursverksamhet finns främst i Collegiumhuset på Teknikringen 7.
Teknikringen 7, 58330 Linköping
LK DATA provides IT services to businesses working for Linköping municipality as well as to companies owned by the municipality.
Teknikringen 10, 58330 Linköping
LiU Holding AB is owned by Linköping Unversity. The operation is divided into two main assignments – Innovation and Collaboration. The Innovation assignment includes conducting and developing the university’s innovation office LiU Innovation, engage in investment activities through LiU Invest and through the subsidiary LEAD provide a business incubator in Linköping and Norrköping.
Teknikringen 10, 58330 Linköping
LinkoCare is a knowledge-intensive private limited company registered and operating in Sweden with the primary mission of further development and commercialization of bioengineered corneas to help restore sight to millions of people around the world suffering from corneal blindness and low vision. The company has also developed in vitro tissue mimetic membranes for Research and Development (R&D) applications for boosting stem cells growth as well as an alternative to animal testing.
Teknikringen 10, 58330 Linköping
Lenze is a global specialist in Motion Centric Automation. They offer products, drive solutions, complete automation systems, engineering services and tools from a single source.
Teknikringen 8, 58330 Linköping
Lernia is one of Sweden’s leading knowledge-based companies, offering a wide range of workforce solutions and education services.
Teknikringen 10, 58330 Linköping
LEAD’s objective is to accelerate the development of start-ups by providing idea bringers and entrepreneurs with a wide range of directed resources and services for a faster and more secure growth.
Teknikringen 7, 58330 Linköping
Labatus offers Quality Assurance (QA) specialists, provides test tools, test services and training for manufacturers, standards organisations, software developers and Digital TV Operators.
Diskettgatan 11B, 58335 Linköping
Korpen Collegium offers a gym, training in groups, and sport halls. Korpen has 4 sport halls that can be used to practice soccer, floorball, handball, volleyball, badminton, pingpong etc.
Teknikringen 7 Collegium-huset, 58330 Linköping
IT-Bolaget Per & Per is a company with years of successfully conducting IT- projects on their resume.
Fridtunagatan 24, 582 13 Linköping
Imentum is a consulting business with offices in Uppsala, Stockholm, and Linköping. They provide consultancy services with a focus on system- and activity development.
Teknikringen 10, 58330 Linköping
IFS develops and delivers enterprise software for companies around the world who manufacture and distribute goods, build and maintain assets, and manage service-focused operations.
Teknikringen 5, 58330 Linköping
Geodesign is a consultancy and marketing company situated in Mjardevi Science Park in Linköping, Sweden. We focus on the area of appropriate environmental technique for waste, water and soil. There is also technical development done focused on special issues, such as flood protection, waste water treatment with hydrocyclones and leachate water treatment
Teknikringen 1C, 58330 Linköping
Framtiden specialises in recruiting and hiring out top Young Talents.
Teknikringen 10, 58330 Linköping
Over the past 140 years, Ericsson has been at the forefront of communications technology. Today, we are committed to maximizing customer value by continuously evolving our business portfolio and leading the ICT industry.
Datalinjen 3 , 58330 Linköping
Universitetsvägen 14, 58330 Linköping
DevPort offers development within the following competencies: software, hardware, and project management.
Teknikringen 10, 58330 Linköping
Cinside AB is a SME founded in 2007. The founders have their background from defense research. Their speciallity is system design with advanced sensors and to offer an easy to use handheld or portable device.
Diskettgatan 11B, 58335 Linköping
ThinLinc is a software product which enables organisations to implement a server-based computing infrastructure. By centralising computing resources in the data center rather than distributing them amongst end-users, IT systems become more efficent, secure and accessible. End-users’ desktops and applications are published from a central location, providing a seamless and familiar environment regardless of which device the user is connecting from or where they are located. Availability is also drastically increased due to the redundancy inherent in a server-based solution.
Teknikringen 8, 58335 Linköping
Our job openings
Join the Magna Journey – Magna Electronics Sweden (teamtailor.com)
Magna Electronics develops cutting-edge technology for the Future Car. Our international, agile and highly collaborative teams aim be the leader in Advanced Driver Assistance Systems and to accelerate the growth in Autonomous Driving.
With 7,500 employees in 13 countries, our growing team has the goal to lead the revolution underway in the automotive industry
Full autonomy is coming. But to create the technology which will bring it into view, you need the desire and ability to adapt complete ADAS systems or modular solutions to any vehicle, for any mobility need.
We are around 1200 employees are locacted in Sweden in 4 different cities throughout the country: Vårgårda, Linköping, Stockholm and Skellefteå.
We offer you good career opportunities in a high-tech company with strong company values, transparency and personal development.
Think Big, Take Responsibility, Never Settle, Be Collaborative
Datalinjen 3D, 583 30 Linköping
Avalon Innovation is a technology and management consulting firm located at several locations in Scandinavia. We help companies innovate, develop and grow. We have profound expertise in everything from industrial design, mechanical engineering, electronics, software and management. We are there as partners from idea generation to final product.
Teknikringen 7, 58330 Linköping
A Society is a consulting firm that matches the most skilled consultants in IT and tech with the most attractive clients. A Society works with consultant supply around the world. We have a global consultant network built on long-term relationships with our own, small businesses, and partner companies.
Teknikringen 10, 58330 Linköping
Teknikringen 8, 58330 Linköping
Advania Sverige, ”The tech company with people at heart”, har kontor över hela landet, från Luleå i norr till Malmö i syd. Dagligen hjälper våra 1 500 specialister våra kunder, både inom privat och offentlig sektor, i deras ambitioner och mål att digitalisera sina verksamheter.
Genom långsiktiga relationer, ledande teknologier, moderna plattformslösningar och strategiska partnerskap formar vi framtidens IT-landskap. Vårt syfte sträcker sig bortom teknik: att ge människor kraften att skapa hållbara värden.
Advaniagruppen levererar tjänster till kunder i Sverige, Norge, Storbritannien, Island, Finland och Danmark inom hållbar och säker digitalisering.
Teknikringen 8, 583 30 Linköping